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interactive art



CD-ROM 1997

Created as my final project for my Book Arts Master's degree.

The project consisted of a 'maze' of puzzles sloved by clicking on objects or entering words. The imagery originated fron scenes rendered in KPT Bryce and KPT Fractal Explorer plugin for Adobe Photoshop 2.5. Interactivity was added using the Lingo scripting language in Macromedia Director 5.



CD-ROM 2004

RESID UAL DAMAGE is an interactive collaboration between myself and artist/printmaker Michael Peel and was part of Wimbledon School of Art's contribution towards the 2004 London Artist's Book Fair at the Institute of Contemporary Art.

The piece consisted of fragmented words taken from images we exchanged in a visual dialog. These words were randomised using a Macromedia Director framework to form phrases and edicts.


digital theremin

Max/MSP/Jitter 2018

This exprimental piece is exploring how visual data can be conterted into sound. 

Looping fractal renderings are keyed over a runtime camera feed to create the visuals which in turn are feed in to an analyser which in turn feed into a pitch generator which responds to red, green and blue values with a note based upon the diminished sixth chord. 

I experimented by using white and black cards to adjust the tone physically, like playing a theremin, as illustrated in the video below.

© Copyright 2020 Marion Tregartha