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Narratives of Transformation:
Their Story, Our Story

A Heritage Lottery funded project based at the University Centre at Blackburn College exploring the Great War.

The project included undergraduate students from the Fashion, Textiles and English Language & Literary Studies courses, as well as staff, local Primary school children and visiting artists.

The First Half Hour (above) is a response to the experiences my grandfather had whilst serving as a private in the 11th Battalion of the East Lancashire Regiment, otherwise known as the Accrington Pals. The piece is the superimposition of the military trench map over a modern day satellite image of the town of Serre, the objective for the allies on the opening day of the Battle of the Somme (1st of July 1916).


Printmaking using laser cutting/ etching technology

Experimentations using rendered fractal imagery converted into grayscale, then threshholded to 5 levels. the images are then laser etched onto rubber and then relief printed onto various substrates, including hand-made paper.

© Copyright 2020 Marion Tregartha